The 74 Anniversary of The Founding of People’s Republic of China: What It Means to Africa

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By Alan Collins Mpewo

The 74th anniversary of the founding of the Peoples Republic of China is a significant date for both China and Africa. It was on October 1st 1949 when then Chinese Communist leader Mao Zedong announced the creation of People’s Republic of China (PRC). This big announcement which in many ways resulted into the birth of today’s modern China came as a result of the Chinese Communist Party defeating the Nationalists in the civil war, a development that saw the Communist Party of China (CPC) control over China the country fully recognised as nationalists surrendered and a few others fled. While the announcement was seen as China’s, if critically analysed, it was also significant for Africa, as it signaled the beginning of a new era of Chinese history and Africa’s relations with China. Since that time, the Peoples Republic of China has become one of Africa’s most important partners, providing much-needed economic and political support. The relationship between China and Africa has grown steadily over the past few decades, and today the two sides enjoy close cooperation on a range of issues.

The 74th anniversary of the founding of the Peoples Republic of China thus holds great significance for both China and Africa. It is a day to celebrate the strong ties between our two countries and to look forward to even closer cooperation in the future. But 74 years is not a disposable feat. Since the 1’st of October in the not so past 74 years, the major message that has been sang by the People’s Republic of China has been independence for its partners – Africa states and otherwise.

For African communities, the 74th anniversary of the founding of China marks not only a celebration of Chinese culture, but also provides a glimpse into what the future of African-Chinese exchanges and collaborations could achieve. Through the continued development of enriching bilateral ties, both sides stand to benefit greatly as the years go by. It can not be said in tire that the under the belt and road initiative, China has made an incredible impact on infrastructure in many African countries, with Shanghai based construction engineering firm China State Construction Engineering Corporation building many new rail networks, roads, schools, and hospitals across the continent. This has no doubt had profound impacts on local communities, who now have access to regular healthcare, education, and transportation that wouldn’t have been so easily available without China’s intervention.

The People’s Republic of China has also been an important trading partner for many African countries, particularly those in Southern and Eastern Africa. China’s entrance into the African market has made it a valuable trading partner, with Chinese goods being shipped in to supplement the continent’s domestic markets, creating much-needed jobs and revenues for producers, the distributors, and sellers alike.

For much of the past century, China and its people have made a concerted effort to strengthen relations with African countries, providing aid, opportunities for investment and mutual growth, and trade agreements. This relationship has only grown over time, with officials from both sides recognizing the importance of bolstering cooperation between African and Chinese communities. As such, the founding of the People’s Republic of China represents a landmark moment for Africans, providing hope that the future will bring great economic, political, and social progress.

Besides all the outstanding achievements reached thus far by the two bloc partners, the caution of consciousness has to be elevated past lands and generations ahead. The human race is much more than the political baits that present themselves. Colonialism didn’t end in the final period of the 1900’s. The phenomenon is multifaceted, and presently comes in large scale neocolonialism. The origin of the celebration by the PRC is based on the yearn for independence, and ultimately no other. Independence is not one to be achieved without much effort, and so while it is understandable that there has been much complacency by those supposed to propel the fight, there should be no compromise to achieving the ultimate goals. BRICS has taken out a line of agreement against the leading imperialism and double standards, an initiative that includes a push from China.

Therefore, with the birth of the FOCAC was a clear indication of respect to each State’s sovereignty through partnerships and mutual benefits, it is of no doubt that the relations have attracted more new entrants each year that succeeds another. Uganda has been one of the greatest beneficiaries, and one of the oldest to relate with PRC diplomatically having passed the 60 years mark of diplomacy not so long ago. There is therefore no need to overemphasize what the two blocs have achieved and what stands as an open door yet to be used. But along the way, still stands obstacles of imperialism and self-seeking to navigate past. So, while this period is to be hoisted with significance on the past, it can sincerely be hoped that it will shape the future for the two blocs to more successes.

Alan Collins Mpewo, Senior Research Fellow, Development Watch Centre.



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