COVID-19: Team Europe supports Uganda’s Covid-19 Response with 737 billion

Uganda’s Covid-19 response has been boosted, thanks to European Union’s Team Europe support. Team Europe announced €178 million which is about 737 billion shillings to support Uganda’s efforts against Covid-19.

Announcing this contribution, Delegation of the European Union to Uganda noted that despite the fact that the European Union is one of the most affected regions globally, EU “is firmly committed to assist its partner countries in their efforts to meet the urgent health and humanitarian needs caused by COVID-19 as well as address its long-term socio-economic consequences.”

Under their group dubbed #TeamEurope, European Union institutions and member states are jointly supporting different countries to deal with Covid-19 pandemic. In Uganda, Team Europe’s immediate contribution against Covid-19 totals 53 million Euros (about 219 billion Ugx) which is inform of grant support.

Additionally, Team Europe is providing a total of 125 million euros which is about 518 billion UGX of concessional loans and new lines of credit meant to support private sector.

With the first announced contribution, Team Europe in Uganda will address the following:

With this first contribution, Team Europe hopes to boost three key areas in Uganda. The three areas are; Contribute to funding Uganda’s Covid-19 response while focusing on the immediate sanitary and humanitarian needs.

Secondly, these funds will be used to mitigate social and economic impact of Covid-19 in Uganda thorough supporting efforts such as employment and livelihoods, and thirdly, continue supporting health, water and sanitation sectors which will help to ensure continuity in providing quality water and sanitation services in a sustainable manner.

Currently, Team Europe is the world’s largest contributor to the fight against COVID-19, providing overall financial support of more than EUR 20 billion to different countries.

In Uganda, Team Europe consists of: 10 Member State missions to Uganda: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands and Sweden, The Delegation of the European Union. Others are: The EU’s Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO).

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